LCUSA Cricket Umpire Courses 2024

Leinster Cricket Umpires and Scorers Association (LCU&SA) would like to announce the following courses that will be held in the coming months.

It’s Your Call – Umpire Education Stage One

This is designed to give you an overview of the basic Laws of the game and how to apply them, as well as introduce the principles of field craft and match management. It will give you the tools to enable you to umpire matches at the basic recreational level, where there are no independent umpires appointed.

It’s Your Call – Umpire Education Stage Two

This course is designed to give you further knowledge and skills to enable you to become a member of a league panel and is available if you have attended and completed Stage One.

It will complement that course by looking beyond the basic laws, building on field craft and match management techniques, and introducing the concept of working as a team with a colleague.

This year, we are going back to courses being conducted in person, and below are the details of the courses and its venue. Considering the point system that Cricket Leinster is looking for in the future, we are conducting two sets of courses to accommodate more members. Please note that each course has a limit of 30 members. So once the limit is reached, the registration will be closed.

Course 1 (Stage 1 and Stage 2)

Registration Link:

Stage 114 January 2024SundayMerrion Cricket Club
Stage 1/220 January 2024SaturdayMerrion Cricket Club
Stage 221 January 2024SundayMerrion Cricket Club

Course 2 (Stage 1 and Stage 2)

Please note that this is also a 3-day course; the last day of the course would happen on either February 3, 2024, or February 4, 2024.

Stage 127 January 2024SaturdayMerrion Cricket Club
Stage 1/228 January 2024SundayMerrion Cricket Club
Stage 23/4 February 2024Saturday/SundayMerrion Cricket Club

What you need to do next:

  1. Register for Course 1 or Course 2 using the above registration link.
  2. The Candidates must register and complete The Laws of Cricket online course at
  3. You need to complete both Stage 1 and Stage 2 to stand in as an umpire.
  4. Members who have completed Stage 1 (or Old Level 1) and want to do Stage 2 only can do so; the fee would still be 25 EUR.
  5. For any queries, please reach out via email, preferrable.
    • and I will reply as soon as possible.
    • Emergencies via phone or WhatsApp: +353896052810 (Prashant Tiwari)

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